
As part of the #EUComaAwakeningsDay program, only one week away, enneadi project is organizing on the 27th of October the event: "Nutrition and disabilities: a challenge to improve life quality". From 10am to 1pm at Teatro Dehon in Bologna, you can listen to inspiring talks from...

The partners of the ENNEADI project participate in and support the European Day of Awakenings, which again this year, as every year since 2015, has obtained the patronage of the European Parliament. ...

We are working on the first intellectual output The first intellectual output (IO1) of ENNEADI project, led by the Spanish partner, Nueva Opción, started last November, and it is currently under development. The aim of IO1 is to define common guidelines on training and educational methodologies...

The slides and videos presented during the first joint staff training as well as its recording are now available. The training, attended by 33 participants, intended to give general information on the two fundamental themes of the whole project, namely healthy nutrition and disability. Presentation...

The first online training event of the ENNEADI project, led by professors from the Department of Sciences for the Quality of Life of the University of Bologna, is aimed at professionals working with people with acquired disabilities, in particular acquired neurological disability due to a...

The first (virtual) meetings of the ENNEADI partnership have already been scheduled: a first preparatory meeting on 18th November 2020 nd the official Kick-off meeting on 10th December 10th, 2020. The whole team will start to work together on the European Network in Nutritional Education...

ENNEADI is among the very few selected projects (28 approved out of 207 submitted) of the 2020 Erasmus + KA2 call for proposals. “KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices - Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training" is an area of...