12 May The e-learning course is available
We are pleased to inform you that the e-learning course of the ENNEADI – European Network in Nutritional Education for Acquired Disabilities project is available. The e-learning course is addressed to professionals who work and assist people with acquired disabilities, with the aim of raising awareness of the importance that a correct diet has in protecting the health and promoting the quality of life of these people.
We propose you to be part of the group of people (about 25 for each partner country) who will test the course on the relationship between nutrition and acquired disability. The platform must in fact be tested by people like you, who represent the professionals potentially involved, to bring out any critical issues both in the contents and in the platform itself.
The course, available in English, Italian, Spanish and Lithuanian, has a duration of 14 hours (about 8 hours online + about 6 hours for in-depth studies) and is structured in 4 training modules + 2 supplementary modules. A final certificate is expected.
We kindly ask you to inform us of your interest in participating in the e-learning course, by completing this form. You will be able to attend the course within about a month from the moment of registration, in the times most suitable for you, as everything is designed in asynchronous mode. A further email will then be sent, with instructions on how to access the platform, to those who desire to participate.