Nutrition and disability: event materials available

Nutrition and disability: event materials available

Now available the video (in Italian and English) and the presentations of the event held on 27/10/2021 “Nutrition and disability: a challenge to improve the quality of life”.
An opportunity for those who could not be present and a chance to deepen the content covered, for those who participated.
You will be able to see interesting interventions by researchers, ENNEADI partners and experts, who tell about the project and deepen the complex relationship between nutrition and acquired disabilities.

Introduction of ENNEADI project – European Network in Nutritional Education for Acquired Disabilities.
Elena Vignocchi – Futura Vocational Training Organization – DOWNLOAD

The first project results – IO1 Guidelines on training and educational methodologies and practices aimed at professionals who regularly work with people with acquired disabilities.
Paula Sabater – Nueva Opción, Asociación Daño Cerebral Adquirido de Valencia – DOWNLOAD

The next expected results – IO2 Design and development of a course aimed at professionals who regularly work with people with acquired disabilities on correct eating habits and quality of life.
Marco Malaguti – University of Bologna – Department of Sciences for the Quality of Life. DOWNLOAD 

Disability: conceptualization and classification through the ICF.
Fabio La Porta – Neurorehabilitation Unit for acquired Severe Brain Injuries “Casa dei Risvegli Luca De Nigris”, UOC Rehabilitation Medicine and Neurorehabilitation, IRCCS Institute of Neurological Sciences of Bologna, AUSL Bologna – DOWNLOAD

Severe disability and health and social protection policies.
Roberto Piperno – Specialist in Neurology and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation – former director of the Operating Unit of Rehabilitation Medicine and Neurorehabilitation of the IRCCS – Institute of Neurological Sciences of Bologna – DOWNLOAD

Nutrition and acquired disability.
Marco Malaguti – University of Bologna – Department of Sciences for the Quality of Life – DOWNLOAD

Feeding the Brain.
Silvana Hrelia – University of Bologna – Department of Sciences for the Quality of Life – DOWNLOAD