Guidelines on training and educational methodologies and practices in favor of professionals ordinarily working with people with acquired disability, taking stock of most recent scientific research in the field of life sciences, health, life quality, etc.
Design and development of a course addressed to those professionals on preventive dietary habits and quality of life.
E-learning course addressed to professionals ordinarily working with people with acquired disability on preventive dietary habits and quality of life.
Policy recommendations that contribute to the promotion of structured training modules on healthy and correct eating habits for people with acquired disabilities in the institutions and bodies that offer study courses and refresher courses for professional
2 short-term joint staff training events (in Italy and Spain): one for the analysis of existing good practices throughout Europe in the field of education initiatives on preventive dietary habits and quality of life, the other one to test the Course addressed to professionals.
4 multiplier events for project dissemination (in Italy, Spain, Lithuania) connected during European Day of Awakenings 2021 and 2022, for the presentation of the project products.